TAG 2015 Activity Report

The Action Group on Access to Justice (TAG) works with political, institutional and community stakeholders to mobilize solutions to access to justice problems in Ontario.

TAG recently released a report of the projects and initiatives that they carried out in 2015 that were aimed at improving access to justice in Ontario. The TAG 2015 Activity Report is available here.

Le Groupe d’action sur l’accès à la justice (TAG) est une organisation qui travaille avec des intervenants politiques, institutionnels et locals pour trouver des solutions aux obstacles  à l’accès à la justice en Ontario.

Récemment, TAG a publié un rapport qui souligne touts leurs projets et initiatives de 2015 concernant l’accès à la justice en Ontario. Pour lire le rapport d’activités de 2015 de TAG, cliquez ici.

Eligibility, Legal Aid and Access to Justice

A recent article published on CBC News Canada states that “an ‘average’ 5-day civil trial cost $56k last year, beyond the reach of most average people”

Though provinces across Canada fund legal aid, the maximum yearly income that qualifies most Canadians for legal aid is so low that it excludes many who are in need of help.

In Middle-class injustice: Too wealthy for legal aid, too pinched for ‘average’ lawyers’ fees, Laura Fraser discusses legal aid, access to justice and the Canadian justice system. Read the article in full here.

“Sense of Access to Justice” as a Framework for Civil Procedure Justice Reform: An Empirical Assessment of Judicial Settlement Conferences in Quebec (Canada)

This paper discusses Quebec’s efforts to “renew its legal culture towards a participatory justice, rooted in fair-minded processes that encourage the persons involved to play an active role”. Roberge et al use empirical evidence to explore litigant’s “Sense of Access to Justice” (“SAJ”) in settlement conferences conducted by Quebec trial court judges operating under a “facilitative integrative problem-solving approach”.

Jean-François Roberge’s paper, “Sense of Access to Justice” as a Framework for Civil Procedure Justice Reform: An Empirical Assessment of Judicial Settlement Conferences in Quebec (Canada) is available in full here: http://bit.ly/Roberge-SenseOfA2J